Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

We are glad to welcome you as our partner! Let me share useful pieces of information with you in order to help your prospective work for the sake of smooth relationship. Please, read this carefully!

1. What types of delivery are available?
2. What kinds of payment possibilities are available?  
3. Is there a minimum order amount (MOQ)?
4. What to do if any questions arise in relation with the order or the product?
5. What are the conditions of swapping the product?
6. What to do if you would like to modify your order?
7. How do you know if the product is on stock or not?
8. What happens if you place an order for a product, which is still under supply?
9. What are those products, which we procure only when ordered?
10. What to do if you order products in bulk?
11. The use of the product database? 
12. When can I expect my order delivery?
13. It was not all product in the package, what I ordered. Why?
14. What are discontinued products?

1. What forms of delivery are available?

 GLS: It exclusively does shipping during week days; in every case, between 9 a.m and 17 p.m. E-mail notification is sent on the day of delivery.  
In case of unsuccessful delivery, another attempt for delivery is done on the next day. 
In case your order comes in to our order syste until 14:30p.m. The same day, you will receive it the next working day following your  day of order. 
Delivery fees (net amounts):

Country 0-699€ 700€-
Slovakia from12,9€ Free of charge
Austria from17,95€ Free of charge
Bulgaria from17,95€ Free of charge
Czech Republic from17,95€ Free of charge
Croatia from17,95€ Free of charge
Poland from17,95€ Free of charge
Italy from17,95€ Free of charge
Romania from17,95€ Free of charge
Slovenia from17,95€ Free of charge

You can ask for information about the whereabouts of your shipment and about the status of its delivery on the web-site of  the GLS.
GLS follow up of deliveryFollow up of delivery

2. What kinds of payment possibilities ar available?

Country Postpaid  Bankcard Money transfer in advance
Slovakia X X X
Austria X X
Bulgaria X X
Czech Republic X X X
Croatia X X
Poland X X
Italy X X
Romania X X
Slovenia X X

Postpaid (Collect on delivery): you can pay by cash to the colleague of the GLS courier service for your order. 

Bankcard: fastest and most comfortable means of payment. OTP bank ensures the safe form of payment. Its lead time is instant. In case of using Barion the card data won't forwarded to us. The service provider Barion Payment LLC is an institution supervised by the National Bank of Hungary, licence number H-EN-I-1064/2013.

Accepted card types:

American Express
Visa Electron*
* In case of these bankcards,the card issuing bank determines the internet usage of the card. In case the card issuing bank has permitted it, then our system is able to accept it.

Money transfer in advance: we send the invoice following the receipt of order, the total of which must be transferred (SEPA) with the following banking data:

Webshop Logisztika Kft.
HQ Address: H-1097 Budapest, Ecseri way 14-16.  - HUNGARY

Bank account number IBAN (€): HU95116000060000000067139000
Bank name: Erste Bank Hungary
As soon as the amount is credited, we immediately ship the products. Its lead time is 2-3 working days.

3. Is there a minimum order amount (MOQ)?
Yes, there is a minimum order amount. The minimum order value is 17,5 EUR.

IMPORTANT: payment by bank card can be selected if all products are in stock.

4. What to do if any question arises in relation with the order or product?
Contact our client service with regard to all kinds of product -or order information. Our client service are available (between 8.00-16.00 on each weekday).

Please, take it into consideration that we do not manage the e-mails in every hour therefore if you have anything urgent to tell us then do it by phone.

5. What are the conditions of swapping the product(s)?
Please, ever time you buy a vibration product, make sure that the product is operational prior to its delivery or hand over to you (dear customer). In every case, pay attention not to damage the packaging and hygienics of the product. In case the product is equipped with protective foil, carefully unwrap the foil, only at the battery case and that's how you should put the appropriate batteries into the product.
If the product does not work even after this, we can swap it for the same type within 5 working days, together with the original packaging.
In case the product has already been shipped to the customer or its packaging got damaged, we can not replace it.
In case of clothes, we can always only swap unwrapped, completely original product.
In case the clothes was wrapped and put on and got delivered to the customer or only  was put on at the store, we can not swap it for another one. 
Of course, if the dress was not put on, neither was delivered to the customer but any material defect was noticed then in this case, it can be swapped for the same type together with the original packaging within 5 working days.
In all other cases, we can not swap the product.

IMPORTANT: it is only possible to return or exchange a product in the event of a product recall or warranty problem, in other cases we are unable to provide these options.

6. What to do if you would like to modify your order?
We process the mercantile orders until 16:00 p.m. on every working day. If you make more orders before 15:30 p.m, we collect it together and send it in one box with one shipping cost.

In case your order comes in until 15:30 p.m then it will be processed on the same day, that is to say, it is delivered on the next working day.
In case, you would like to modify your order, please, do it only until 15:30 p.m.
We can only accept the modification and implement it still on the day when the modification was requested (waiver of the product from the order, amendment of the order, other changes, modification of the shipping address, etc) in case the notification is sent until 15:30 p.m. In email still the same day.
In case of changing the billing address, please, send the modified firm data via e-mail to indicating what is exactly affected by the modification (firm name, seat) and enclose the copy of the new documentation of the firm. Please, inform us on the changes as soon as possible; preferably, on the day prior to the day when the invoice is sent.

7. How do you know if the given product is on stock or not?
On the web-site, a stock display can be seen below the image of each product. The “on stock” title indicates if the product is on stock, that's to say if it can be delivered. The “last 1 item' indicates that the stock is low on the product.
It is not on stock” sign indicates that the product is under supply; its expected time of procurement is 1-1.5 week in case it is on stock at the manufacturer. In case of shortage, it can be more than that.
IMPORTANT: in case of clothes, the stock display is done per every size; in other words, you must enter into the description of the product by clicking on the “more details” button. There, it is indicated in case of each product whether the given size is on stock or it is just under supply.

8. What happens if you place on order for a product, which is still under supply?
Your order is maintained and as soon as the missing products come in, those get delivered after matching.  

9. What are those products, which we only procure when ordered?
To this category, products with large item number belong, products with high value, laces,leather-, varnish and latex products and certain extreme ligaments.          
Please, indicate “the order in advance” in the comment field when you order.
The expected procurement time of the products ordered in advance is 1-1,5 week but it can be more than that in case of shortage at the manufacturer.

10. What to do if you order items in bulk?
In case you would like to order high item number from a given product/products (e.g. more than 3-5 pieces in case of dresses, in case of accessories, lubricants and other products, more than 8-10 pieces), order in advance can be placed for the given product/products. The expected procurement time of products ordered in advance is 1-1.5 week but it can be more than that in case of shortage at the manufacturer. Please, indicate “the order in advance” in the comment field when you order.

11. Use of the product database
We provide the complete product database, which includes the pictures,  in XML format for our partners.

The text of the product database is the intellectual property of Webshop Logisztika Kft. You can cancel your use at any time.

For more information, see the menu point “Download”.

The content and images of the product database are the intellectual property of Webshop Logisztika Kft. You can cancel and limit your use at any time.

12. When can I expect my order delivery?

When you ordered to Slovakia, the package will be delivered the next working day. Otherwise it lasts 2-3 days.

13. It was not all product in the package, what I ordered. Why?

Because there weren't all the products on stock when you ordered. If You want these products too, please indicate "Backorder" in the comment section. Otherwise these items will be deleted and not shipped.

14. What are discontinued products?

A "discontinued product" is an item that will soon be removed from our range and is available only for a limited time. These products will be taken off our website once the stock runs out.

On Erotikamarket.eu, these products have a "/" sign before their names.
